Public Safety

Green Bay, WI 540 followers


About us

Emergency Medical Solutions, LLC (EMSllc) is an independent EMS content & development company that specializes in providing solutions for EMS agencies and partnering organizations. We focus on providing content (articles, posts/blogs, whitepapers) and development (training, workshops, programs, plans) that lead to solutions with EMS agencies, the industty as a whole, and within communities. Tim Nowak, Founder & CEO, developed EMSllc in 2010 in response to a need for providing flexible training throughout the EMS community. Since then, EMSllc has has partnered with various clients to deliver hundreds of hours of training courses, provide quality assurance services and a continuum of medical oversight, has created an EMS publication, works as a contracted item writer of promotional exams and publication articles, and has developed two reference product lines for the fire and EMS industries ... along with providing administrative/operational consulting services for EMS agencies. Today, the company has transitioned into more of a niche, small-project environment as Tim works full-time as a fire & EMS consultant with a large firm (which we're glad to direct you to!). This working relationship allows for both an appropriate separation, as well as a comprehensive opportunity to meet any client's needs.

Public Safety
Company size
1 employee
Green Bay, WI
Privately Held
EMS, Public Safety, Emergency Management, Emergency Preparedness, Hospital Preparedness, Training, Professional Development, Consulting, Fire Service, HazMat, Training Development, EMS Products, Incident Management, and Emergency Services




  • EMSllc is spending part of the week in Texas focusing on OPPORTUNITIES for a local fire department. Be it roles/responsibilities, sustainability, logistics, administration, operations, or anything else related to a fresh set of eyes, we're proud to help provide insights and solutions to our clients, nationwide.

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  • While not super scientific or highly technical, it still paints a picture of what fire services look like within our country ... Here's a little research we conducted related to the ratio of local/tribal fire departments per local government level (including the total of municipalities, townships, and counties per state - presuming that some states contain one fire department for the entire county). It's surprising to see this all laid out ... there are a lot of states where there are at least one fire department per local government level ... not just one station, but one entire department! How inefficient is that!? It's no wonder we're having troubles within our country's fire service ... looks like consolidation (for many) is a necessary step toward creating sustainability ... reducing unnecessary duplication (root cause) and addressing the many other challenges (symptoms) that departments and communities face! If your community or department is ready to tackle this difficult (but NECESSARY) conversation, please let us know ... we'd be glad to help you! emsllcwi @ gmail

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  • Kicking off a new offering this week ... Open Office Hours! This week's discussion time will be geared towards City Managers (including Village Administrators, Town Managers, County Executives, Municipal Executives, etc.). Friday, March 21 @ 10amCT (1 hour) PM us for a link to join - or email at emsllcwi @ gmail No sales pitches, no pressure tactics, no commitments ... just unfiltered discussion and Q&A about fire/EMS within your community. If you have questions, just ask!

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  • A handful have already requested the meeting link ... will you be next to join us?

    View profile for Tim Nowak

    Fire & EMS Consultant | EMS Content & Development Creator | My opinions are my own and should not be perceived as anything but that. PG-13 Content Warning. I provoke discussion and ask difficult questions. NO AI content.

    I'm going to hold an Open Office Hours discussion with any of my #CityManager, village administrator, etc., connections to talk about fire & EMS within their communities. Friday, March 21 @ 10-11amCT Q&A is encouraged ... no sales pitches ... no pressure ... no commitment ... just unfiltered discussion. If you're a #MunicipalExecutive, you're invited! (Sorry ... no fire/EMS colleagues allowed!) PM me for a meeting link/invite.

  • Open Office Hours to discuss fire/EMS ... #CityManager and #MunicipalExecutive connections invited! Friday, March 21 @ 10-11amCT PM us for an invite/link.

    View profile for Tim Nowak

    Fire & EMS Consultant | EMS Content & Development Creator | My opinions are my own and should not be perceived as anything but that. PG-13 Content Warning. I provoke discussion and ask difficult questions. NO AI content.

    I'm going to hold an Open Office Hours discussion with any of my #CityManager, village administrator, etc., connections to talk about fire & EMS within their communities. Friday, March 21 @ 10-11amCT Q&A is encouraged ... no sales pitches ... no pressure ... no commitment ... just unfiltered discussion. If you're a #MunicipalExecutive, you're invited! (Sorry ... no fire/EMS colleagues allowed!) PM me for a meeting link/invite.

  • A competing firm beat us for a bid ... it wasn't a big shock, as they have won a half dozen other projects in this region over the past 10 years - along with another firm competing for business. When we submitted our proposal, we promoted fresh ideas and a fresh perspective - even bold ideas, if they were warranted. We wanted to stand out from any forms of complacency. The winning firm has produced a mediocre product (in our biased opinion) with their prior work and is owned by an architectural company that has branched into fire/EMS consulting. Their prime competitor in the region is a general research company with no fire/EMS professionals on staff. Read that again ... that is who communities are choosing to do their consulting work. That's what's disappointing, here. We also bid 30% less than the winner and offered heavy on-site engagement and interaction. Yet, the anticipated victor won the bid and the region will have yet another "same old" study completed by the same people who have done others in the area. Same ideas, same recommendations, and likely the same results (which have not been newsworthy, to say the least). #CityManager and #FireChief connections ... why do some of you keep spending tens of thousands of dollars all to choose the "familiar" route again and again? Why not choose something (someone) different? After all, the "different" firm is going to have to prove their worth a heck of a lot more than the "same old" name will.

  • Disruption ... massive disruption (in a good way!). If your fire department or EMS agency is looking to explore the possibilities (or take a leap toward the implementation) of positive disruption within your organization ... but you need a little guidance (or for someone else to mitigigate a little bit of the blow), reach out! We're glad to help facilitate! On the flip side, if you're satisifed with how things are operating but might like a little added perspective, we can provide that, too!

  • Is your fire department or EMS agency looking to strategically plan ahead? By all means, the majority of the strategic planning process can be done completely internally (and probably should be!) ... but for the initial starting elements - the directional elements - it certainly is nice to bring in an impartial resource. So, if you're looking to plan ahead, we recommend you start by engaging with us. emsllcwi @ gmail

  • Is it the industry's fault ... or the employee's ... when an employee shows up to work a 2nd job tired, burnt out, over-worked, stressed, exhausted, etc.? Is it the 2nd employer's fault? (We say "no, YES, no" ... in that order)

    View profile for Tim Nowak

    Fire & EMS Consultant | EMS Content & Development Creator | My opinions are my own and should not be perceived as anything but that. PG-13 Content Warning. I provoke discussion and ask difficult questions. NO AI content.

    Poor choices. Now, I'm not arguing at all that EMS agencies throughout the country have been known for paying lower wages than other public safety or healthcare fields ... no argument at all there. This does cause a need for many EMTs and Paramedics to work multiple jobs to make ends meet. Again, no argument there. Where "poor choices" come into play, moreover, is when those EMTs and Paramedics leave one busy EMS job for another busy EMS job. That is a poor choice. It's not the industry's fault that YOU chose to put YOURSELF and THE PUBLIC in danger by choosing to work multiple 12+ or 24+ hour shifts in a row ... especially in busy systems where you have little breaks, downtime, sleep, etc. Yes, this is YOUR CHOICE (and your own fault) to put yourself in this predicament ... to unnecessarily add risk to the public AND your employers. Need a 2nd job to make ends meet? Go work somewhere where you can "afford" to show up tired. Don't actively endanger yourself and the public ... and then blame the industry for doing this to you. This was YOUR poor choice. And, if something bad happens, it's YOUR fault more than it is the industry's. Take ownership of your decisions. Remember, YOU chose to work in this industry ... that means that YOU can also choose to leave it, limit your exposure to it, and limit the risk that YOU create to the rest of the public by choosing to overstretch yourself. IT'S NOT THE INDUSTRY'S FAULT ... It's 100% YOUR own choice.

  • We've got room for one, maybe two more average/large consulting projects for the calendar year ... but still can accomodate some of our Low-Demand|HIGH-IMPACT consulting options. If your fire department, EMS agency, or municipality is looking to bring in a consultant to help dig down to the root of your challenges (without all of the doctoral-level statistical deviations and content that no one understands - or can actually act upon), please reach out! Pending an upcoming win, we're looking at starting future projects around the May/June area and wrapping up before the end of the year.

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